Group Blog
For my 30 second commercial project this year, I am going to be working with two other people. Me, Kaitlyn Casella, and Camille Keith will be partners for this project. We are all working together mainly because we figured it would make things easier if we didn't make the commercial by ourselves. I'm pretty confident that I can rely on them to do their part and get the work done. They both seem to have good work ethic, and are good friends of mine so I know we'll work well together. We haven't really had much of a chance to discuss what our commercial would be about, but we have come up with a couple ideas. We figured we could do some sort of gum commercial, or something about masks. Hopefully, next time we talk we can talk more about it and make a final decision. When it comes to who will be doing what (acting, filming, directing, etc.), we haven't had the chance to even touch on the subject, so hopefully we can talk more on that next time we talk. I'm somewhat excited to start on the project with them. I've never had to do a project like this before, let alone with other people, so I'm excited to see how it turns out. I'm going to try spending these coming days coming up with better ideas so that we can solidify any final decisions about our project before we need to start filming. Fortunately we all have each others number so we have the means to discuss our project outside of class. It does seem a bit overwhelming, with all the work that needs to be done in such little time. It's why I'm so glad I have partners. I've always felt I'm better motivated during group projects. The fact that someone else's grade relies on my ability to do my work sort of prevents me from slacking off. Its both a good thing and a bad thing, seeing as to how I shouldn't allow myself to slack off whether I have partners or not. But, at least its almost a bit of a good insurance policy. I'm sure they'll appreciate my need to do my work for their sake over my own.
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